Eric James Stone's Photos: My autograph from Lisa Kushell

November 12, 2003

My autograph from Lisa Kushell

Lisa Kushell's autograph
The story of how and why I got this autograph was told in a comment on another entry, and I thought I'd use that as an excuse to post the picture. Here's the story, so you don't have to go look at it on the other page:

A few years ago, I was at a [Star Trek] convention and a someone from the Oxygen network was there, interviewing people who had just gotten William Shatner's autograph. She was asking them how much they would pay for her autograph.

She interviewed me and we joked a bit about how much her autograph would be worth, and how it would be worth more if she'd actually been on Star Trek. Then she mentioned she'd been on an episode of the X-Files, and I said that was close enough.

So, if you play your cards right, you might be able to get away with pretending to have appeared on a genre show.

(By the way, the interviewer's name was Lisa Kushell, and she really did play a call girl in the X-Files episode "Orison.")

At the time I spoke with her, I couldn't remember that particular episode, so I couldn't say that I remembered her character. Later, when I looked up the episode, I realized that I would have instantly remembered her character if she'd mentioned that she played a call girl with a red wig. (The red wig was important to the plot.)

UPDATE: It turns out the interview bit she did at the convention is available on her website. I'm not in it, though. But it's pretty funny.

Posted by estone at November 12, 2003 10:55 PM | TrackBack

what a look!!!!

Posted by: tushar at August 21, 2004 03:54 PM
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