November 26, 2003

My photo with Juliet Landau

Juliet Landau and Me
Another Buffy pic; this one is with Juliet Landau, who played Drusilla. Imagine a vampire who's both psycho and psychic -- that's Drusilla. This photo was taken at a convention in Pasedena in 2003.

Unfortunately, the photographer managed to cut off the top of my head.

Posted by estone at 06:38 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

My photo with James Marsters

James Marsters and Me
James Martsers is best known for his role as Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (He's now moved the character over to Angel.) This photo was taken at a convention in Seattle in 2003.

Though Spike speaks with a British accent, James is actually a Californian.

UPDATE: Please read! This is NOT James Marsters's website. This website belongs to the guy who's in the picture with James. Leaving a comment for James here is not going to do you any good, because this is NOT his website.

Posted by estone at 06:13 PM | Comments (10) | TrackBack