Documentation for Movable Type Plugin: CrossBlog

Stores and retrieves the highest blog entry number. Can be used to tell if an entry is being built for the first time, rather than just being rebuilt.

Download here.

Save the file in your Movable Type plugins directory.

You can manually create the file that HighWater uses to store the number of the highest entry. Just place a file named HighWater.txt in your main blog directory. On the first line of that file, put the entry number of your latest entry. That's all.

If you do not place the file there manually, HighWater will create the file the first time you try to use one of the tags. You will need to rebuild again after that happens.

The available template tags are:

<$MTGetHighWater$> Returns highest entry number stored so far.
<$MTSetHighWater$> Compares entry number to stored number, and stores it if it is higher.
Displays content if current entry is the stored highest entry.
Displays content if current entry number is higher than the stored highest entry, then stores current entry number as new highest.

NOTE: This plugin has not be tested with MT3. Since I moved off Movable Type a couple of years ago, I'm no longer familiar enough with it to offer support if you run into problems with the plugin. Sorry, but if it doesn't work, I can't help you.