Camelot High: Chemistry – Chapter 3

Previous chapters: 1 2 Chapter Three 314. A sign on the door said "Mr. Carlson." Aidan double-checked his schedule, then tentatively pulled open the door. Unfortunately, it made a repetitive clicking sound as it opened, so as he entered he found all eyes in the room focused on him. Aidan looked around the room for a place to sit. There... read more »

Camelot High: Chemistry – Chapter 2

Chapter One was posted here. Chapter Two Aidan sat in the front passenger seat of the Minnow, the powder-blue, twelve-year-old Ford Escort hatchback that belonged to his sister Jessica. In his lap, he clutched his backpack full of textbooks for his first day of classes at Camelot High. "I can't believe you didn't make the football team," said Jessica as... read more »

Camelot High: Chemistry – Chapter 1

King Arthur waited on the dew-slicked grass in the small valley between his army and Mordred's. The clouds hung close, hiding the sun and almost merging with the morning mists that still clung to parts of the lowland. How very like Mordred to force me to wait on him, Arthur thought as he watched his son approach from the opposite... read more »

NaNoWriMo 2006: Day 8

Well, I'm behind. As of right now, my word count stands at 5864. To be on track, I'd need to have written another 7500 words or so. But I'm going to keep on going. And, in order to give myself more public accountability, I've decided I'm going to post the first draft of my novel here on my blog. I'll... read more »

NaNoWriMo 2006: Day 1

I wrote 1804 words today, which is better than the average of 1667 per day needed in order to get 50,000 by the end of the month, but I can tell it's going to be a hard pace to sustain. Hopefully I can get a bit ahead during my traveling this weekend. I decided that my best chance for success... read more »

NaNoWriMo 2006

November is National Novel Writing Month -- NaNoWriMo for short. The goal is to write at least 50,000 words from November 1 to November 30. I've decided to participate this year. My previous best month for word count was under 30,000 words, so it'll be a stretch to get to 50,000. But i feel the need to push myself, because... read more »


A quote from the two-hour Battlestar Galactica third-season premier that aired last week. (A little background for those unfamiliar with the series: Sharon is a Cylon who betrayed her people last season and helped the humans.) Sharon: Can I ask you a question? How do you know? I mean, how do you really know that you can trust... read more »

Sale: “Tabloid Reporter to the Stars”

I just got an email from Edmund R. Schubert, the editor of Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show, saying that he would like to buy my story "Tabloid Reporter to the Stars." (I originally titled the story "The First Ambassador," but I decided "Tabloid Reporter to the Stars" gave a better idea of the story's flavor.) The story will probably... read more »

My famousness reaches new heights

From an auction that recently ended on ebay: Here are 13 different paperback volumes from the L. RON HUBBARD Presents WRITERS OF THE FUTURE series. These are all mass market paperbacks except for BEST OF which is a trade paperback. These are all first printings with the number lines starting at 1. Cover price started at $4.50 and slowly went... read more »

Con Report: Dragon*Con 2006

Dragon*Con is one of the largest science fiction & fantasy conventions. Its focus is more on media (i.e., TV shows and movies) than on written fiction, but it does have a writing track. I actually went to a Dragon*Con back in 1998 or so, when I lived in Virginia and it was only a few hours drive. (In those days... read more »