Several people who have read the prologue of my novel have felt that it was too long, and that the action sequences were too detailed. It was originally 7400 words. I had trimmed it down to 7200 with some minor tweaks. But today I took an axe to it. (Of course, to cut it substantially, I had to do quite... read more »
I've finished making all the line edit changes suggested in the feedback from two writers' groups and others who read the whole novel. I have just a few things left to do before I'm done, and it'll be ready to send out.
The bad news is that my company decided to do some restructuring and restructured me out of a job, along with a dozen or so others. So after seven years, nine months and three weeks of working for Direct Communications/ Online, I'm looking for something new. I'll be pondering my options over the next few days. "I'm sick and tired... read more »
Tangent Online has reviewed my story "Tabloid Reporter to the Stars." A taste: This is solid science fiction, full of speculative technology, alien environments, and the sheer wonder of discovery. The mechanics of alien life are particularly intriguing. Interspersing journalistic reports with the narrative, the author deftly weaves exposition and backstory into the action without impeding the story’s brisk pace.... read more »
The health insurance plan I have through my work processed the claim for my emergency room visit and gall bladder removal surgery. They approved everything, with one exception: a $780 charge for general anesthesia. Ouch! According to the first footnote on the Explanation of Benefits: Your plan benefits do not cover all services. The service noted above is not covered.... read more »
I want to thank everyone who commented on my original post, both on my regular blog and on my Livejournal mirror. Several commenters raised issues that I wanted to respond to in detail. (more…)
In the Codexian Idol contest, I made it to the final round, but did not place in the top three. Still, the contest forced me to write a new story, something I hadn't done in months. It's called "Attitude Adjustment," and I think it has potential if I fix a few problems. James Maxey, who beat edged me out to... read more »
My author friend Jay Lake blogged about a Newsweek poll that says 48% of the public reject the "scientific theory of evolution." (He has more on evolution here.) He blames Republicans. But I think at least a portion of the blame lies with the secularists who insist on making the theory of evolution anti-God, at least as it is taught... read more »
Thanks to everyone for the well-wishes. The surgery went well, and my dad picked me up at the hospital afterwards. I'm staying at The Parents™' house for a couple of days of recuperation. The main benefit to this surgery, besides the pain relief, is that for the rest of my life I can never be accused of having the gall... read more »