Bush Speaks About the Threat We Face

I haven't posted much political stuff recently, but I came across this video clip from a news conference President Bush gave, and it really opened my eyes about the latest threat our country faces. I'm just glad we have a President who is willing to take action against the zombies.

Received in the mail

When I arrived home from Odyssey, I found a check from Intergalactic Medicine Show in my accumulated mail. It's for the reprints of "Taint of Treason" and "Tabloid Reporter to the Stars" in the anthology coming out from Tor next year. To my astonishment, the check was for more than I was paid for the stories initially. That was a... read more »

Home again, safe at last

Well, I got home a day earlier than I anticipated, thanks to driving over 1300 miles in about 19 hours on Monday. I finished listening to the Harry Potter book early in the afternoon. I'm tired.


OK, I won't exactly be incommunicado over the next few days, but I'll be on the road back to Utah, with spotty internet access, and trying to avoid any spoliers regarding Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. A couple of Odyssey classmates and I went to Wal-mart after midnight last night in order to purchase it. I bought the audiobook... read more »

Told out

This morning, I turned in my last story for critique here at Odyssey, which means I no longer need to stress about getting a story written. My last story was really only sort of a story, as it's really intended to be the first chapter of the novel I briefly outlined last Monday. I got a lot of great feedback... read more »


Today was the annual Odyssey Slam at the Barnes & Noble in Nashua, NH. Each student had to read a flash fiction piece in five minutes or less (although there was some flexibility on that point.) The stories were very entertaining, and it was great to see the improvement in people's writing. My original plan was to read a revised... read more »

Progress report

I had one of my stories critiqued today, and the feedback was generally positive. I feel like it's one of my best stories overall, so after I fix some of the weaknesses identified during the critique, I'll send the story out. This week is different from the other weeks of Odyssey. For five of the six weeks, Jeanne Cavelos is... read more »


Well, I'm halfway through the six weeks of Odyssey, and it's been a great learning experience so far. I also feel like I've gotten some good writing done. It hasn't all been smooth sailing, though. Last weekend, after writing almost 2000 words of a story I figured would end up at around 4000, I realized my character structure didn't work... read more »


I woke up in the middle of the night and had trouble getting back to sleep, so I decided to get a little work done. As I'm editing a document in Microsoft Word, all of a sudden, with absolutely no warning, Windows Update starts rebooting my computer in order to install updates. It closes Word without asking me if I... read more »

At Odyssey

In case you missed the news, I'm attending the six-week-long Odyssey writing workshop. The first day was yesterday, and it lasts through July 20. I won't be blogging it daily or posting my lecture notes like I did for the Writers of the Future workshop two years ago, because this workshop is much more based on critiquing manuscripts than on... read more »