Start at the Top

Author Jay Lake has some excellent advice for my writing friends.  OK, it's also applicable to my writing enemies, in addition to those writers who maintain neutrality toward me. Fortunately, I heard the advice to start at the top very early in my writing career, so I did.

IGMS Anthology Out

The first of what I hope will be many InterGalactic Medicine Show anthologies is came out today.  I picked up a copy at my local Borders.  Here's the table of contents: Forward - Orson Scott Card Introduction - Edmund R. Schubert In the Eyes of the Empress's Cat - Bradley P. Beaulieu Mazer in Prison - Orson Scott Card Tabloid... read more »

“The Robot Sorcerer”

Ad the Odyssey workshop last year, I wrote what I said was a "...short story that I consider one of my best."  After revising based on critiques at Odyssey and from my local writing groups, I decided it was my best short story (so far). I sold it to InterGalactic Medicine Show today.  It may appear before the end of... read more »

Dragonforge by James Maxey

James Maxey wrote the first book I reviewed on my blog.  He's also one of my favorite writers of short fiction (despite the fact that if he's participating in a Codex contest, I have no chance of winning.)  I highly recommend his stories "To Know All Things That Are in the Earth" and "Silent as Dust," available at Orson Scott... read more »


The first draft of Unforgettable is done.  I already know a bunch of things I need to add or change, but the story arc is complete. I wrote the first words of this novel on January 1, but at that point I didn't know it was going to be a novel.  It was just a character sketch. On May 13,... read more »


I just finished the climax of Unforgettable.  It's a little talky, but I think it works. I should be able to wrap up the first draft this weekend.

It’s not just for freezing Han Solo anymore

After losing about 500 words of my novel due to a complicated situation involving FTP backups, I began looking for a different way to have an offsite backup of my important files. I have a portable hard drive in a safe deposit box at my bank, but that's a rather awkward way of maintaining a backup. An insurance agent who... read more »


I just passed 60,000 words in my novel.  My protagonist has just defeated the bad guy and thinks the climax is over, but he's wrong -- the real climax is just about to start. I'm guessing there are only about 3000 words left in this draft, unless people start monologuing.

Featured Author

I'm one of this month's featured authors at  That means you get a $1 discount if you order an anthology containing one of my stories.  (Or if it contains a story by one of the other featured authors, if you're sick and tired of reading my stories.)  You can get one of the pre-built anthologies or -- and this... read more »