For the second year in a row, I managed to make the Million Writers Award list of notable stories published online. “The Robot Sorcerer†is one of four stories from InterGalactic Medicine Show to appear on the list. I was surprised to find my story on the list, as I had not seen it on the lists of reader-nominated or... read more »
I got a contract from Analog in the mail today for my story "Rejiggering the Thingamajig." It's my sixth sale to Analog, and it means I now have two stories in the pipeline to get published there. "Rejiggering the Thingamajig" is my attempt to answer one of life's most common and enduring questions: What would happen if a Buddhist Tyrannosaurus... read more »
My birthday was a couple of days ago. I had carrot cake, which I decorated myself (which is why the lettering is a little sloppy): And here I am, revealing the answer* in flaming characters, shortly before blowing them out: Incidentally, my tee-shirt has a picture of a galaxy, with the words "You are here" pointing to a spot far... read more »
It's "When I Grow Up" month for my local Cub Scouts, so they're having guests come talk about things they do for a living. I was invited to speak tonight about being an author. The boys were quite impressed by my Writers of the Future trophy, and though I had to admit I wasn't a really famous author, they thought... read more »
BYU's science fiction and fantasy symposium Life, the Universe, and Everything is this week. Here's my schedule as a program participant: Thursday, Feb. 19: 10:00 AM:Looking through a glass darkly: cautionary tales and post-apocalyptic fiction. Writing post-apocalyptic fiction can be a way to write a cautionary tale, or it can be a prediction of the future. Why are people so... read more »
The Odyssey workshop and Orson Scott Card's Literary Boot Camp both were very valuable in improving my writing. So if you're an aspiring science fiction and/or fantasy writer, I recommend you apply. Follow the links for more info. Orson Scott Card's Literary Boot Camp Odyssey Workshop
I feel kind of embarrassed touting my work for awards, but I'm sure I'll get over it. The Hugos are awarded by members of the World Science Fiction Convention, which anyone can join by paying about $50. Out of my stories that were published last year, I would like to draw your attention to two. My short story "The Ashes... read more »
Voting in the Codex Novel Contest finished last night. There were twelve novels competing. Because reading twelve novels would have been a bit much, judging in the contest was based on the first 50-70 pages and a synopsis. Judges didn't even have to read all of that for every entry, but they had to read at least the first three... read more »
Thanks to the turnout of friends, acquaintances, and fans, the signing went very well. The bookstore was well stocked with copies of Blood Lite, but due to a mixup, they only had two copies of the InterGalactic Medicine Show anthology on hand. Fortunately, I had eight copies in my car, and all but one of those sold. All told, I... read more »