Update on various things

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In the Codexian Idol contest, I made it to the final round, but did not place in the top three. Still, the contest forced me to write a new story, something I hadn’t done in months. It’s called “Attitude Adjustment,” and I think it has potential if I fix a few problems.

James Maxey, who beat edged me out to win first place in last year’s contest, won again this year. He expressed admiration that I had finished my story despite my gall bladder removal, and suggested that I say the following in my cover letter when sending it out:

I wrote this story while recovering from getting stabbed four times in the gut by a masked man with a very sharp knife. He took all my money, so it would really help if you could send me a large check in exchange for my humble tale.

I have a follow-up appointment with the surgeon tomorrow, but unless there are some surprises, he’s going to tell me what I already know: I’m making a very good recovery from the surgery. The four tiny incisions seem to be healing up nicely, and I haven’t taken any Lortab for the pain since Tuesday night, and not even ibuprofin since Friday. I now only experience some minor pain when bending over or otherwise compressing the area around my navel (which is the location of one of the incisions).