- RT @davidfarland: Happy Star Wars Day! Help us #HelpBen, son of a Star Wars author. Ben has brain trauma: http://t.co/4Sl1lxD9rA #maythefou… 19:11:55, 2013-05-04
- Blog post: http://t.co/O8scAJReRt – Tweets for the week of 04-27-2013 23:59:08, 2013-05-04
- Watch our wedding video, complete with trumpet fanfare, robot ring-bearer & helicopters: http://t.co/FcDvkEmBWT 09:04:53, 2013-05-06
- Sometimes my brain wants to pronounce "misled" to rhyme with "fizzled." 13:30:58, 2013-05-07
- @daviddlevine Hmm. Does MS Word have a word weight function? in reply to daviddlevine 13:37:45, 2013-05-07