- @thmazing Unbelievable. It came out on 10/28/2010. Even if you only read 2 words/day you should have finished reading it by 2/5/2012. in reply to thmazing 10:00:08, 2012-12-22
- @SplinteredMind They were valid. But the random number generator didn't go your way. in reply to SplinteredMind 10:01:14, 2012-12-22
- RT @TheLowTechWorld: Eric James Stone's "They Do It with Robots" convinced me that short-form fiction about super-heroes could have dept … 10:55:33, 2012-12-22
- Blog post: http://t.co/mVKPOvD3 – Tweets for the week of 12-15-2012 23:59:10, 2012-12-22
- @SplinteredMind I'm finishing up a substantial revision. We'll see what my agent thinks. in reply to SplinteredMind 11:06:04, 2012-12-23
- RT @dewfaced: Pentagrams in the snow? Must have been Satan Claus! @ UTA FrontRunner Lehi Station http://t.co/yZ5OajVN 12:30:49, 2012-12-24
- @ferretthimself And when environmentalists say we should all cut carbon emissions… in reply to ferretthimself 13:41:14, 2012-12-24
- Got a Kindle for Christmas? My collection Rejiggering The Thingamajig And Other Stories by Eric James Stone is only $3: http://t.co/3igUdxYP 12:45:24, 2012-12-25
- Got a Nook for Christmas? My collection Rejiggering the Thingamajig & Other Stories by Eric James Stone is only $3: http://t.co/bOXqGOhT 12:49:27, 2012-12-25
- @aliettedb My fiancée baked some excellent pecan pies yesterday. I'll ask her what recipe she used. in reply to aliettedb 11:01:39, 2012-12-26
- RT @KathleenDorsey6: Not to spoil Les Mis or anything, but someone steals a loaf of bread. And that's just wrong. 17:27:48, 2012-12-26
- Movie idea: The criminal branch of a Scottish clan gets wasted on drugs. Hollywood will love it because it's a high con sept film. 17:07:20, 2012-12-27
- RT @robisonwells: Did anyone else notice this Christmas that the nativity story uses a smiley emoticon? http://t.co/JIe0fSmx 15:45:24, 2012-12-28
- Peter Jackson went too far by including "Don't Stop Believin'" on the soundtrack to THE HOBBIT. #UnexpectedJourney 18:07:44, 2012-12-28