- Ran (and walked) 6 non-treadmill miles today in 59 minutes 30 seconds, and boy are my legs tired. #Rimshot #NotAJokeCancelRimshot 11:15:44, 2012-10-20
- Blog post: http://t.co/gHMtc867 – Tweets for the week of 10-13-2012 23:59:10, 2012-10-20
- @PeterAhlstrom @TheDanWells How about FULL OF WHOLES? 😉 in reply to PeterAhlstrom 14:36:20, 2012-10-22
- RT @IMAO_: What did people do in the weeks leading into a presidential election before polls existed? Churn butter? 15:40:10, 2012-10-22
- @CandaceSalima 1781, maybe? in reply to CandaceSalima 15:55:47, 2012-10-22
- I think the makers of the Mini Cooper should make a car called the Mini iPad and dare Apple to sue them. 17:13:59, 2012-10-23
- @EricDSnider Only the fourth since 1976. in reply to EricDSnider 18:07:14, 2012-10-23
- If I were Obama, I'd release the records to make Trump pay up & show he's a buffoon. (Unless I was hiding something really bad.) 16:50:07, 2012-10-24
- To be clear, I think Trump is a buffoon, but $5 million for charity is nothing to sneeze at. 17:45:43, 2012-10-24
- If we're putting Italian scientists in prison, how about we imprison the ones who failed to give us faster than light neutrinos? #IwantFTL 21:55:07, 2012-10-24
- Blog post: http://t.co/LtjwaG4h – Four Centuries of Mormon Stories Contest Discussion: Release 10:24:57, 2012-10-25
- @TravisHeermann @Salon http://t.co/bkSshyYM in reply to TravisHeermann 10:51:16, 2012-10-25
- @TravisHeermann So, I take it that the mere HINT of in-person voter fraud is enough to get you to support voter ID laws? in reply to TravisHeermann 11:17:06, 2012-10-25
- @HelBell @rachelswirsky Yes, if you use a charity's trademarks to sell your work w/o permission, you may run into trouble. in reply to HelBell 16:42:17, 2012-10-25
- @TravisHeermann Except the capability of controlling the whole ballot box exists only in the fevered imagination of a lefty journalist. in reply to TravisHeermann 22:46:26, 2012-10-25
- @RandyTayler @cspokey Didn't you hear? Round corners are the intellectual property of Apple, Inc. in reply to RandyTayler 13:36:55, 2012-10-26
- RT @EricDSnider: Get it right, people. Frankenstorm was the name of the meteorologist, not the storm. 13:37:35, 2012-10-26
- @scalzi After Penguin/Random House merger there will be query letters like: "Dear Pen-house, I never thought I would write a book, but…" in reply to scalzi 17:09:15, 2012-10-26
- The story-behind-the-story for my #IGMS story "Write What You Want" is now up on the Sideshow Freaks blog: http://t.co/Hsrtj78T 17:26:24, 2012-10-26