- Blog post: http://t.co/tWqBofy9 – Tweets for the week of 06-02-2012 23:59:49, 2012-06-09
- Someone stole an "I support our troops" flag magnet that had been on my front door for more than a decade. 13:13:16, 2012-06-10
- A classic of Mormon cinema from the silent film era: Porter Rockwell #37: Attack of the Dark Raider http://t.co/lQJm3Zlq 09:20:16, 2012-06-11
- The goose tried laying down, but after several failed attempts it returned to laying eggs. 15:06:53, 2012-06-13
- Something that really deserves to be clicked & shared: The Kneejerk Click-and-Share http://t.co/4uVrTO7f 08:27:56, 2012-06-14
- RT @AngelineTrevena: Just watched the short story lecture by @EricJamesStone at Brigham Young University. Absolute genius; full of fire … 08:55:17, 2012-06-14
- @SaintEhlers Huttese just sounds like a bunch of jibba-jabba to me. in reply to SaintEhlers 10:41:24, 2012-06-14