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The first draft of Unforgettable is done.  I already know a bunch of things I need to add or change, but the story arc is complete.

I wrote the first words of this novel on January 1, but at that point I didn’t know it was going to be a novel.  It was just a character sketch.

On May 13, I started the push to finish the novel by WorldCon.  Since May 15, I wrote at least 500 words every day.  My average daily word count (since the push) was 835.  My biggest day was May 26: 2073 words.

There were some long periods during which I absolutely had to force myself to write.  If not for the Codex Novel Contest, I probably would have skipped a day during that time, and then one day would have become two, then three, then more.  What kept me going was badges I could earn in the contest.  (Yes, I do need stinkin’ badges.)

So, what’s next?  I’ll set the novel aside for a few days and focus on a short story.  Then I’ll go back and add a few missing scenes from early in the novel.