Closest book meme

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I’ve been tagged by neutronjockey to fulfil the following assignment:

To participate, you grab the closest book, go to page 123, find the fifth sentence, and blog it. Then tag five people.

The closest book was in a pile of stuff on the couch in my computer room: The Portable Obituary: How the Famous, Rich and Powerful Really Died, by Michael Largo.  I own this book because it was mailed to me.  It was mailed to me because I am an active member of the Horror Writers Association, and am therefore eligible to vote for the Bram Stoker Awards.  (Did I vote for the book?  I’m not telling.)

I went to page 123.  Here I ran into a problem in following the instructions, because there is no fifth sentence.  Or fourth. Or third, for that matter.  There are, in fact, no sentences at all on the page.  There is only the letter K, surrounded by a border.

Since it is impossible for me to blog what does not exist, I am unable to complete the assignment.  And it just would not be right for me to tag other people to do what I could not do myself.