“Worse Than One” in Analog

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My story “Worse Than One” appears in the July/August 2022 issue of Analog Science Fiction and Fact. It’s a Probability Zero flash piece. Here’s how it starts:

“It all started a few months back when I saw an ad looking for people to test a new drug for regenerating lost body parts. I lost a finger in an accident awhile back, so I figured, why not?”

“Did you sign a legal disclaimer for the drug trial?”

“Yeah, I guess. There was a bunch of paperwork.”

“Let me just say upfront that it may be difficult to sue the drug company if you waived that right.”

“Oh, I don’t want to sue the drug company. Well, maybe later, but that’s not why I’m here.”

“I see. Please continue, Mr. Cutler.”

“Anyway, the finger started growing back less than a week after they gave me the drug. Also, my appendix and tonsils, and my wisdom teeth.”

“Did they warn you that those effects were possible? Because–“