- Blog post: http://t.co/rsle7KjKLU – Tweets for the week of 04-20-2013 00:00:44, 2013-04-28
- RT @trevso_electric: I want to defend a penguin in court just so I can say, "Your Honor. My client is clearly not a flight risk." 15:59:20, 2013-04-29
- @LeahCypess It's not really that difficult. Email me your manuscript and I can do it in under 2 minutes. in reply to LeahCypess 11:03:38, 2013-05-01
- @LeahCypess It would take me longer to explain than to do it. in reply to LeahCypess 11:04:01, 2013-05-01
- @EricDSnider Suprisingly, you don't see a distinction between a headline writer's mistake and official corporate policy. in reply to EricDSnider 12:17:15, 2013-05-01
- @EricDSnider If Fox really didn't see a distinction, they wouldn't include the word "legally" in the article's first sentence. in reply to EricDSnider 12:18:08, 2013-05-01
- @EmaPen Congrats! in reply to EmaPen 13:25:11, 2013-05-01
- @ericbdavies @EricDSnider My mistake. But this Fox story's correct: http://t.co/aNy2uZ3pVc so I think it's headline mistake, not Fox policy. in reply to ericbdavies 15:06:20, 2013-05-01
- Blog post: http://t.co/h6hCfe6VxE – Manuscript Tip: How to replace underlining with italics in Microsoft Word 18:25:32, 2013-05-01
- @PeterAhlstrom @stacylwhitman By force of habit, I use two spaces. But if I know an editor prefers one, I'll happily make the switch. in reply to PeterAhlstrom 22:34:29, 2013-05-01
- Blog post: http://t.co/MYgsQZE3Oh – Ender's World is out 07:27:46, 2013-05-02
- RT @crossedgenres: Unidentified Funny Objects 2 has 8 hours to raise the last $2000 for their @kickstarter! Please help them out: http://t.… 11:00:45, 2013-05-02
- @scatteredjules @amberargyle Following people before Twitter was invented was called "stalking." in reply to scatteredjules 17:09:29, 2013-05-02
- @darylwriterguy I hope it involves the line "Ah, darn you! Gosh darn you all to heck!" in reply to darylwriterguy 17:13:14, 2013-05-02