- Blog post: http://t.co/ogwZSndxa7 – Tweets for the week of 04-06-2013 23:59:05, 2013-04-13
- My 1000th Twitter follower is Writers of the Future winner @kodiakjulian, whom I enjoyed meeting last week at the WOTF workshop. 20:11:20, 2013-04-16
- @mat_johnson
@AbrahamHanover If a right-winger did it, sit back and watch all your liberal friends blame "conservative rhetoric," etc. in reply to mat_johnson 12:00:22, 2013-04-17 - @AaronWJohnston @MaryRobinette Yes, I'd seen that a few days ago. Didn't know they were doing the audiobook until then. in reply to AaronWJohnston 12:10:20, 2013-04-17
- My latest post at the blog of the Association for Mormon Letters is about "A Memory of Mars": http://t.co/WESAN82Vcj 15:20:42, 2013-04-17
- @amberargyle Before. in reply to amberargyle 17:10:15, 2013-04-17
- RT @IMAO_: Well, at least it's nice the suspect is someone we can all come together hating: guys who wear baseball caps backwards. 16:42:02, 2013-04-18
- RT @saladinahmed: One second we're all 'You're DEAD, old media! Your reportage is so slow!' The next it's 'Don't rush to publish! Be rig … 08:22:08, 2013-04-19
- I re-read @tchernabyelo's "The Box of Beautiful Things" a few days ago. It's as good as I remembered it being. http://t.co/gTClfp3D6S 12:41:23, 2013-04-19
- @TKosmatka I didn't know you'd expanded "The Prophet of Flores" into a novel. Cool. in reply to TKosmatka 15:24:30, 2013-04-19
- RT @IMAO_: I hope the new Superman movie has his origin story in it because I'm really curious what that is. 15:28:28, 2013-04-19