- Blog post: http://t.co/OJGi8SdoDZ – Tweets for the week of 03-16-2013 23:59:47, 2013-03-23
- @HelBell @NewYorker Have you queried to make sure they have it? I had one at 331 days that they lost & told me to resend. in reply to HelBell 10:38:44, 2013-03-24
- @aliettedb Don't know if this has been mentioned, but Lwaxana and Deanna Troi from ST:TNG. in reply to aliettedb 14:06:34, 2013-03-24
- RT @howardtayler: This might rub a lot of people the wrong way, but if your Facebook or Twitter handle says "Author" in it, you're tryin … 13:16:01, 2013-03-26
- @EricDSnider Trying to decide between "I am shocked, shocked to find you don't own it" & "Guess you won't be able to play it, Eric." in reply to EricDSnider 17:23:02, 2013-03-26
- @rachelswirsky @jakedfw @kyliu99 So opposing the supplanting of old publishing models by new ones would be antidisestablishmentarianism. in reply to rachelswirsky 16:47:19, 2013-03-27