- Blog post: http://t.co/UBzXX0IRLp – Tweets for the week of 03-09-2013 00:00:15, 2013-03-17
- RT @IMAO_: Why does only software come with boilerplate legalese no one reads? Why can't all products have that? 16:09:12, 2013-03-20
- My latest post at the blog of the Association for Mormon Letters is a (late) review of Stephenie Meyer's THE HOST: http://t.co/w4j5IXyJxd 08:59:55, 2013-03-21
- The wedding announcement people have been calling the "best ever" is now publicly available online: http://t.co/TKuEtohIo5 13:42:42, 2013-03-21
- @hertling Before raising it back to full price, I think you have it spend a little time at $6.02. in reply to hertling 16:28:18, 2013-03-21
- @onelowerlight @EmaPen Where are you getting that formula? Try cost of starting inventory + PURCHASES – cost of ending inventory. in reply to onelowerlight 01:00:43, 2013-03-22
- @onelowerlight Generically, your purchases of materials/inventory — the cost of what you've added to inventory. in reply to onelowerlight 01:13:43, 2013-03-22
- @onelowerlight In Kobo sales report, not sure how that makes sense except as THEIR cost of good sold, not YOUR cost of goods sold. in reply to onelowerlight 01:14:32, 2013-03-22
- A phone recording that tells me your business hours and to call back during those hours is very annoying if I am calling during those hours. 07:46:39, 2013-03-22
- @rachelswirsky @christieyant @atfmb @janetharriett That'd be great! The two of them could talk about the men. in reply to rachelswirsky 13:12:09, 2013-03-22