- Blog post: http://t.co/d73voN5C – Tweets for the week of 12-01-2012 23:59:13, 2012-12-08
- @AaronWJohnston @EW John Carter was fun. Not great, but fun to watch. However, because it cost so much to make, it was considered a bomb. in reply to AaronWJohnston 08:49:40, 2012-12-10
- @Rushlimbang Glad you liked it. 🙂 in reply to Rushlimbang 00:21:53, 2012-12-11
- RT @Rushlimbang: @EricJamesStone Thank you very much for "Tabloid Reporter to the stars" quite funny. : ) 07:12:31, 2012-12-11
- The Kindle edition of my collection Rejiggering The Thingamajig And Other Stories is now available for just $3.00: http://t.co/wDRGEBEO 08:58:11, 2012-12-11
- I should mention that anyone who has a print copy of my collection can get the ebook edition free from the publisher: http://t.co/pkE2Uw8J 09:03:25, 2012-12-11
- @cathshaffer @MaryRobinette @davehogg @scalzi I read that as "pay money to see BACON migrate to the pool deck." #doubletake in reply to cathshaffer 18:41:49, 2012-12-11
- Many weddings were scheduled so they could be on 12/12/12. But people are so superstitious that no weddings are scheduled for 13/13/13. 10:14:46, 2012-12-12
- About to watch this year's Hobbit movie. 20:24:34, 2012-12-14