- Blog post: http://t.co/SYZ42Ouh – Tweets for the week of 10-27-2012 23:00:59, 2012-11-03
- This is pretty awesome: Ethiopian kids with no education learn on their own from tablets, hack them in 5 months: http://t.co/ABYoqI8e 10:50:52, 2012-11-05
- RT @nathanshumate: My Amazon reviews are still there. Should I be happy or insulted? 10:51:36, 2012-11-05
- Folks, the past tense of "read" is "read," but the past tense of "lead" is "led," not "lead." If "lead" rhymes with "red" it's the metal. 14:20:04, 2012-11-05
- Your Candidate is going to lose – http://t.co/7IeeeOX3 via @TimesandSeasons 14:58:14, 2012-11-05
- RT @DylanByers: One of these columns is longer than the other RT @nytimes: The newspaper endorsements that switched party from 2008: htt … 17:02:10, 2012-11-05
- Longest line I've ever seen to vote in Eagle Mountain, Utah. 08:50:59, 2012-11-06
- Fortunately, the L-Z line is considerably shorter than A-K. #AmVoting 08:54:02, 2012-11-06
- Was proud to cast my vote for @MiaBLove and @MittRomney. #IVoted 09:08:28, 2012-11-06
- RT @JeffHouck: Don't think of it as an election. Think of it as the anniversary of when guys named Chad started to hate their name. 10:01:37, 2012-11-06
- Short story collection "Eyes Like Sky And Coal And Moonlight" by @CatRambo is free on Kindle today: http://t.co/QFzm2Q0H 10:07:46, 2012-11-06
- RT @KenJennings: Romney could still win this if too many Dems accidentally write-in "Nate Silver" with little hearts around it. 10:08:15, 2012-11-06
- RT @deppisch: OUTRAGEOUS! A photo I took of a black panther at my polling station in TN: http://t.co/A22o8Eh5 11:11:29, 2012-11-06
- My expert opinion as a computer programmer: Letting the voters SEE you've switched their votes is poorly designed vote-stealing software. 12:10:11, 2012-11-06
- @Dustyg013 @ferretthimself My point is that it's most likely a malfunction, not treachery. in reply to Dustyg013 12:56:10, 2012-11-06
- @Dustyg013 Definitely. The voter did the right thing in calling attention to it so the machine could be taken out of service. in reply to Dustyg013 13:07:06, 2012-11-06
- RT @DanHopp: NO ELECTION SPOILERS TONIGHT PLEASE I'm still on Debate 2 14:57:42, 2012-11-06
- @tchernabyelo See my earlier tweet for my take on this being voting machine fraud: https://t.co/IlSbgBik in reply to tchernabyelo 15:01:42, 2012-11-06
- @tchernabyelo 🙂 in reply to tchernabyelo 15:07:26, 2012-11-06
- RT @IMAO_: Exit polls consistently over-represent people who are exiting. 15:56:58, 2012-11-06
- RT @JonahNRO: Proof exit polls are unreliable: 70% of voters say Star Wars prequels "much better than originals." 16:20:08, 2012-11-06
- @MosesSiregar In 2000, I planned to stay up until the election was decided. I gave up on that plan at around 6am. in reply to MosesSiregar 16:24:54, 2012-11-06
- @JonahNRO But the polls haven't closed here yet! in reply to JonahNRO 16:58:19, 2012-11-06
- At this crucial juncture in our nation's history, I just have to say: This is my 2200th tweet. 17:01:10, 2012-11-06
- Sorry, it was actually my 2201th tweet. Twitter was displaying an incorrect total. 17:02:15, 2012-11-06
- Actually, I should have said 2201st, not 2201th, in my previous tweet. I apologize for the error. 17:03:20, 2012-11-06
- Overheard at the office (people I don't know, talking about the election): "It takes 170 votes to win." 17:23:10, 2012-11-06
- More overheard: "Why isn't Texas a battleground state? I swear it's like the biggest state ever." 17:26:10, 2012-11-06
- Overheard: "What does incumbent mean? It says that under Barack's name." 17:31:18, 2012-11-06
- Overheard: "I bet people are listening to us and saying, 'Those girls are so stupid.'" 17:32:14, 2012-11-06
- CNN currently shows 33-3 EC vote in Romney's favor. If this trend continues, it will end up 489-49 for Romney. #ItWillNotContinue 17:46:16, 2012-11-06
- Rather than obsess about election results, I'm going to @BrandSanderson's signing in SLC. #IHaveASmartphoneSoIWillStillObsess 17:53:58, 2012-11-06
- Eating a pint of Denali Extreme Moose Tracks ice cream as comfort food. (It's OK — it's within my calorie budget for the day.) 22:18:32, 2012-11-06
- Anyone who spread rumors about Romney controlling voting machines in OH is obviously not part of a "reality-based community." 13:38:40, 2012-11-07
- @pattyjansen "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." — Groucho Marx in reply to pattyjansen 23:33:30, 2012-11-07
- RT @IMAO_: I love libertarian advice for the GOP, because if there is one thing libertarians know, it's winning elections. 07:20:00, 2012-11-08
- RT @IMAO_: The country is pretty divided. How do we end that? Some sort of war with space aliens? 11:52:58, 2012-11-08
- @MosesSiregar Warbling: expensive or flashy jewelry obtained through military action? in reply to MosesSiregar 17:14:54, 2012-11-09