- @pattyjansen If you're honest about it, sure. in reply to pattyjansen 07:07:12, 2012-07-28
- Blog post: http://t.co/VymM0mKR – Tweets for the week of 07-21-2012 23:59:55, 2012-07-28
- Hey, my number of tweets is equal to my birth year! (Now that I've tweeted this, that is.) 08:29:50, 2012-07-31
- RT @IzykStewart: Jacob's Journal of Doom release party tonight at University Village Deseret Book from 6-7:30. Hope to see you there! ht … 13:05:11, 2012-07-31
- I hope the Chili's CEO says something to spark a boycott, because I need an excuse to go have their Molten Chocolate Cake. 17:31:54, 2012-08-01
- @shaunduke Yes, you got the correct handle. in reply to shaunduke 17:38:33, 2012-08-01
- @JayceHall No, the whole point is that calories eaten in 1st Amendment solidarity are MEANINGFUL calories, as opposed to empty calories. in reply to JayceHall 17:49:33, 2012-08-01
- @AShvartsman Food with opinions is a little too sapient (and alive) for my taste. (Reminds me The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.) in reply to AShvartsman 17:52:33, 2012-08-01
- @TheDanWells Thanks for the heads-up. I was about to bet my bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'd be sun. in reply to TheDanWells 16:14:28, 2012-08-02
- @johnjosephadams Montreal in 2009 had Sunday Hugos. I had to reschedule my flights. in reply to johnjosephadams 21:02:37, 2012-08-02
- @Matthewsrotundo Your legs encounter less resistance from the thinner air at higher elevations. in reply to Matthewsrotundo 22:15:41, 2012-08-02
- @Matthewsrotundo You also weigh less because you're farther from the Earth's center of mass. in reply to Matthewsrotundo 22:16:12, 2012-08-02
- @Matthewsrotundo The official meter is in Paris. The farther from Paris, the smaller it looks. Laramie is farther than Omaha, so 5K is less. in reply to Matthewsrotundo 22:24:56, 2012-08-02
- RT @Travesham: Average # of people killed in mass shooting when killer stopped by police: 14.3. When stopped by a citizen: 2.3. http://t … 15:25:42, 2012-08-03