- Blog post: http://t.co/YUiTidL3 – Tweets for the week of 07-14-2012 00:00:43, 2012-07-22
- @aliettedb Military weapon is fully automatic. Civilian version is semiautomatic. Its only difference from many hunting rifles is aesthetic. in reply to aliettedb 15:00:29, 2012-07-22
- @MaryRobinette @aliettedb It's not meant to be reassuring, except to the extent that the average person can't buy a fully automatic gun. in reply to MaryRobinette 15:18:13, 2012-07-22
- @MaryRobinette @aliettedb But objecting to the aesthetics of a gun, rather than its capabilities, isn't all that useful. in reply to MaryRobinette 15:20:17, 2012-07-22
- @omegar24 @aliettedb @MaryRobinette I don't hunt, so I don't know. I don't drink, either, so I don't see why some people need alcohol. in reply to omegar24 19:40:57, 2012-07-22
- I just ran 2.5 miles despite still being very sore from 8-mile hike on Saturday — and boy are my arms tired. #WrongPunchline 08:16:01, 2012-07-23
- @aliettedb @omegar24 @MaryRobinette "…favourite French and southern European hunter guns are the semi auto." http://t.co/RPuH5DGL in reply to aliettedb 08:47:10, 2012-07-23
- @aliettedb @omegar24 @MaryRobinette Just to be clear, you understand that "semi-auto" means the gun fires just once for each trigger pull. in reply to aliettedb 08:49:42, 2012-07-23
- @aliettedb @omegar24 @MaryRobinette Fully automatic weapons are those where you can hold the trigger to keep firing. Those are banned. in reply to aliettedb 08:51:13, 2012-07-23
- @NewroticGirl It's a simple game. Roc (2 fingers = beak) eats Ham (flat hand = slice), Ham chokes Beau (fist = human head), Beau rides Roc. in reply to NewroticGirl 17:44:55, 2012-07-23
- @clarkesworld Break a leg! in reply to clarkesworld 17:49:18, 2012-07-23
- Thanks to generous donors, you can win free tickets to the Four Centuries of Mormon Stories dinner: http://t.co/5wbNCxYe 11:44:20, 2012-07-24
- @RandyTayler I think you left out a couple of ZEROS there. I can't be bribed for anything less than two WW2-era fighter planes. in reply to RandyTayler 14:40:05, 2012-07-25
- @RandyTayler Well, IGMS head editor Edmund Schubert is partial to Antarctic wildfowl: http://t.co/Z0kmgWNS in reply to RandyTayler 00:04:14, 2012-07-26
- RT @ferretthimself: Very interesting article by @ericmjohnson on what primates can teach us about America's murder problem. http://t.co/ … 14:59:26, 2012-07-26
- @TheSlothNCamel Is it bigger than a breadbox? in reply to TheSlothNCamel 19:46:45, 2012-07-26
- @KenJennings Shift focus to make it a romantic comedy & change title to "Diamond Czar: A Girl's Best Friend." in reply to KenJennings 07:18:57, 2012-07-27
- @IzykStewart It's no coincidence. It's meant to warn you that winter is coming. After fall. And the rest of summer. in reply to IzykStewart 09:33:53, 2012-07-27