- @AnnetteLyon @jaredgarrett NOOOOOO! Unless he is on his back laying eggs or something, it is never "he lays on his back." in reply to AnnetteLyon 16:31:46, 2012-07-07
- @AnnetteLyon @jaredgarrett Present tense "lies on his back/is lying on his back." Past tense "lay on his back/was lying on his back." in reply to AnnetteLyon 16:33:00, 2012-07-07
- @AnnetteLyon @jaredgarrett The other verb has a present tense of "lay": The hen lays/is laying eggs. Past: The hen laid/was laying eggs. in reply to AnnetteLyon 16:34:09, 2012-07-07
- RT @alan_tudyk: Watching Firefly through for first time in 10 years. I have forgotten so much, it's like new to me. I can't recall anyth … 16:37:10, 2012-07-07
- 110 times as many people saw Snow White & the Huntsman on opening weekend as voted for John Huntsman in the GOP primaries. 18:35:45, 2012-07-07
- Blog post: http://t.co/S5MYDf2E – Tweets for the week of 06-30-2012 23:59:23, 2012-07-07
- One of my favorite picture books is now in paperback for just $6.99: AlphaOops!: The Day Z Went First by @AletheaKontis http://t.co/OcxIf6lB 11:42:20, 2012-07-10
- "Mr. Romney has a 100% chance of winning Utah’s six electoral votes…. And that seems low." http://t.co/ROE5pt3S 15:10:36, 2012-07-10
- @jaredgarrett Dear Agent: You can't understand my dystopian novel unless I explain it slowly, with many words. Request the full. Yours, etc. in reply to jaredgarrett 17:37:53, 2012-07-10
- @TheDanWells @howardtayler @robisonwells Humans are tribal. Sports fandoms are just another tribal structure. #LessHarmfulThanPolitics in reply to TheDanWells 17:53:21, 2012-07-10
- @howardtayler Sports rivalries entertain some people. Some might argue webcomics aren't valuable, important, or commendable. I like both. in reply to howardtayler 21:48:34, 2012-07-10
- Nothing quite like a blood drive to remind me that I may die a horrible death because I lived in England 20 years ago. #IAmNotAMadCow 09:57:28, 2012-07-11
- @zeppelin707 If only we could get bacteria to eat mad cows. Or would that actually lead to worse things? in reply to zeppelin707 10:56:29, 2012-07-11
- @howardtayler My dad's had skin cancer several times. But it's probably his chronic leukemia that will get him in the end. in reply to howardtayler 11:32:09, 2012-07-11
- The most likely cause of death for the average person is being struck by a falling piano, if they don't die of something else first. 11:39:20, 2012-07-11
- @marionjensen I'm happy with Mountain America Credit Union, Utah's Most Admired Company: http://t.co/lwms4vaI in reply to marionjensen 17:55:56, 2012-07-11
- RT @IMAO_: It's bad optics how Romney is always seen carrying canvas sacks with large dollar signs on them. And what's the monocle for? 16:07:02, 2012-07-12
- @chersti I have the entire series on DVD. in reply to chersti 16:31:04, 2012-07-12
- @seanmarkey By "literally 102" you must mean it's 102 in some figurative way, not that it's actually 102. #NobodyUsesLiterallyThatWayAnymore in reply to seanmarkey 18:22:00, 2012-07-12
- @seanmarkey Now we just need to get people to use "figuratively" to mean what "literally" used to. in reply to seanmarkey 19:00:39, 2012-07-12
- If you accidentally put ice cream in the fridge instead of the freezer, you have to eat the softened ice cream right away. It's the law. 23:51:49, 2012-07-12
- @Keffy @bethwodzinski On first reading your tweet I was wondering why an evil tyranny would be a surprise. #WhatADifferenceOneLetterMakes in reply to bethwodzinski 12:43:06, 2012-07-13
- RT @torforgeauthors: Should writers shy away from mentioning skin color? http://t.co/Fjf3laml (via @RobertJSawyer) 17:41:56, 2012-07-13