- Blog post: http://t.co/FSVfdrF1 – Tweets for the week of 06-16-2012 23:59:15, 2012-06-23
- @AShvartsman @aliettedb @pattyjansen I don't think it's as simple as Patty said. Who is addressing the teacher? How old is the teacher? in reply to AShvartsman 08:21:42, 2012-06-24
- @AShvartsman @aliettedb @pattyjansen For example, in some places, a student might say "Ma'am," but someone older than the teacher "Miss." 08:23:25, 2012-06-24
- @aliettedb @AShvartsman @pattyjansen "Ms. Surname" or "Miss/Mrs. Surname" are most likely, IMO. Regionally, "Ma'am" might be used. in reply to aliettedb 08:25:51, 2012-06-24
- @amberdine Then I pity Zaphod Beeblebrox when he tries to listen to his iPod. in reply to amberdine 17:53:28, 2012-06-25
- voted in Utah's Republican primary. 07:45:57, 2012-06-26
- Before giving the government power over something, imagine the worst-case scenario of your political opponents using that power. 13:24:30, 2012-06-26
- @Keffy @ferretthimself Huh. Guess I haven't been in the right places to hear such ridiculous definitions. I love to read & write both. in reply to Keffy 18:03:09, 2012-06-26
- @ferretthimself Well, to be fair, there were more lions in the past. http://t.co/3ClDxJ7D in reply to ferretthimself 18:11:16, 2012-06-26
- Blog post: http://t.co/1e5O5yFB – Lucky 7 Challenge 19:16:08, 2012-06-26
- RT @RandyTayler: "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" is exactly the kind of thing I'd say if I was trying to unload a vampire horse. 22:48:01, 2012-06-26
- @bethwodzinski http://t.co/20ETVLxA in reply to bethwodzinski 22:56:28, 2012-06-26
- @NewroticGirl Now you need to watch the same movie twice in a row at the theater. I did with TRUE LIES years ago on the sneak preview night. in reply to NewroticGirl 23:54:31, 2012-06-26
- "If we can just find some way to stick together, we can form the perfect society!" — dialog from GLUETOPIA, a #storyiamnotwriting 10:51:40, 2012-06-27
- @ferretthimself If there's no simple distinction between right and wrong, how do you know they're doing wrong? in reply to ferretthimself 15:50:19, 2012-06-27
- @jaredgarrett @RandyTayler @marionjensen @jessdaygeorge Randy's right about The Incredibles. @TheDanWells's website poll agrees. in reply to jaredgarrett 15:53:51, 2012-06-27
- @ferretthimself Touché. Though I think a lot of wrong is done by those who rationalize that their actions are in a gray area. in reply to ferretthimself 15:56:04, 2012-06-27
- @jaredgarrett @RandyTayler @marionjensen @jessdaygeorge @TheDanWells Pixar's not creating films for Vulcans. in reply to jaredgarrett 16:11:32, 2012-06-27
- @jdedman4 That is the decision that causes the most work for them. Without it, being a Supreme Court justice would be an easier gig. in reply to jdedman4 07:15:10, 2012-06-28
- Anyone else have to keep logging out of @iTunesMusic store and then back in to make iTunes Match work? 10:16:41, 2012-06-28
- @jjcreer I disagree with your tweet about Obamacare (unless you agree with me about it.) in reply to jjcreer 17:14:01, 2012-06-28
- RT @mqpolitics: Obamacare – By Grabthar's hammer, by the sons of Worvan, you shall be repealed. 17:15:13, 2012-06-28
- Blog post: http://t.co/ffqHk0j9 – Read "Dark Roads for the Eternal Ruler" 07:08:55, 2012-06-29