- Blog post: http://t.co/p73qfZmo – The Avengers vs. The Dark Knight vs. X2: X-Men United 08:36:18, 2012-05-14
- @RickNovy @Keffy Just add the following to your search or alert: -site:http://t.co/BQXUUIy9 in reply to RickNovy 09:55:08, 2012-05-14
- @RickNovy No. There should be no spaces between the minus sign, the word site, the colon, or the website address. in reply to RickNovy 10:58:04, 2012-05-14
- New Obama ad calls Romney a "vampire." False. (It's true that he sparkles in sunlight, but that's just sunscreen made of crushed diamonds.) 11:37:31, 2012-05-14
- RT @howardtayler: Pre-orders for Schlock Mercenary: The Sharp End of the Stick are open! #schlocksharp http://t.co/nKj1xqXL 11:59:54, 2012-05-14
- @BethCato I've heard shawarma sales have skyrocketed since the movie was released. in reply to BethCato 16:05:28, 2012-05-14
- @RickNovy @bbeaulieu It's a glitch. Numbers for the week of May 13 will not be up until Friday May 18. May 13 shouldn't be listed yet. in reply to RickNovy 16:39:18, 2012-05-14
- @RickNovy Brad was talking about Bookscan numbers in Amazon's Author Central. in reply to RickNovy 16:45:20, 2012-05-14
- @JonahNRO @greenfield64 Mitt +2 w/women registered voters is probably statistical noise. 1 in 20 poll results are outside "margin of error." in reply to JonahNRO 18:04:03, 2012-05-14
- Blog post: http://t.co/vNOvsrdW – My lecture to Brandon Sanderson's class 07:37:13, 2012-05-15
- @ProfBrotherton X2: X-Men United is my favorite, and apparently it's good enough to take TWO spots on your top 10 list. 😉 in reply to ProfBrotherton 13:22:26, 2012-05-15
- http://t.co/Dy9fEd0e is a cool site that lets you search the text of subtitles in a bunch of movies/TV shows. http://t.co/M8hvwMxd 16:27:57, 2012-05-15
- RT @IMAO_: The Lord of the Rings would have benefited from some midi-chlorians type explanation of how a ring can make you invisible. 16:41:47, 2012-05-15
- @morriswm It does say "If appropriate we’ll automatically add a footnote citation so there’s a record of where you found the info." in reply to morriswm 18:10:42, 2012-05-15
- @thmazing That post looks broken to me. in reply to thmazing 18:13:25, 2012-05-15
- Anyone know if the #NebulaAwards ceremony will have a video stream again this year? 10:50:13, 2012-05-16
- .@TheDanWells If "Enterprise C" means "Yesterday's Enterprise," then I side with @RandyTayler on that being the best TNG episode. in reply to RandyTayler 10:52:51, 2012-05-16
- .@HeidiTighe @RandyTayler @TheDanWells I own an autographed shooting script for "Yesterday's Enterprise." I think I win. #MostGeekCred in reply to HeidiTighe 12:03:58, 2012-05-16
- @TheDanWells I eat tacos almost every weekday. Wednesday NOT being taco day for me is a change. in reply to TheDanWells 12:05:16, 2012-05-16
- .@nathanshumate Single Generic Word is the name of my next band. in reply to nathanshumate 12:06:12, 2012-05-16
- @thmazing Still not seeing it. in reply to thmazing 13:07:58, 2012-05-16
- My latest post over at the Association for Mormon Letters blog is about "Mentioning Mormons in science fiction": http://t.co/fVkL36ZP 14:20:09, 2012-05-16
- @CptSqweky @TheDanWells @RandyTayler Sorry, I think "Trials and Tribble-ations" is the best DS9 episode. in reply to CptSqweky 15:03:45, 2012-05-16
- @JonahNRO @GovernorOMalley Don't be so human-centric, Jonah. Face-eating is merely a bear's way of showing respect. in reply to JonahNRO 15:31:53, 2012-05-16
- Blog post: http://t.co/NQwFkoN0 – My Association for Mormon Letters blog posts 17:23:49, 2012-05-16
- If you allow one slippery-slope argument, pretty soon you'll have to allow them all. 18:05:00, 2012-05-16
- @WSJ @CopywriterBob Adjusting for inflation, it seems Romney's wealth would be second to George Washington's. http://t.co/7Av75y1C in reply to WSJ 18:06:43, 2012-05-16
- @Keffy You're right. "Sufficiently advanced technology" is the phrase for that. in reply to Keffy 00:27:58, 2012-05-17
- Blog post: http://t.co/TlI9v2Ew – I'll Be With You – я буду с тобой 07:25:22, 2012-05-17
- @scalzi Fine here. in reply to scalzi 08:48:20, 2012-05-17
- @AShvartsman Have you tweeted about zombies? (This interaction about zombies may increase your Klout about zombies.) in reply to AShvartsman 09:18:57, 2012-05-17
- Is it childish of me to say "@OrrinHatch is a fraidy cat!"? If so, then I won't say it. http://t.co/w0TL0IS2 10:30:08, 2012-05-17
- @RickNovy Does your new ENT speak more quickly than the previous one? in reply to RickNovy 16:32:03, 2012-05-17
- RT @IMAO_: The easiest way to be carbon neutral is to find someone with the same size carbon footprint as you and murder him. 16:32:34, 2012-05-17
- It's Causal Friday. Make something happen. 07:34:15, 2012-05-18
- @dolohov Ha-ha! Made you tweet. in reply to dolohov 08:42:35, 2012-05-18
- A well researched response by @JamesGoldberg to misinformation in a @Salon article by @pareene: http://t.co/URCHj3Gk 16:01:41, 2012-05-18
- @jakeboyslim I didn't realize you played EverQuest. 😉 in reply to jakeboyslim 16:18:50, 2012-05-18
- RT @WakefieldMahon: A true flash fiction master does not feel the need to put a shocking twist in every tale…. but it's so much fun! 16:19:53, 2012-05-18
- .@amysundberg I thought everyone knew that "YA" books are first-person, all-caps, transliterated Russian stories. in reply to amysundberg 16:45:12, 2012-05-18
- @Keffy You could try doing the podcast equivalent of a numbers station. http://t.co/5DY0IDAm in reply to Keffy 17:18:01, 2012-05-18
- RT @RickNovy: For the afternoon crowd, my novel "Rigel Kentaurus" is free today and tomorrow for Kindle. Last time free. http://t.co/7VF … 17:18:18, 2012-05-18