One of the reasons for the poll about ebook readers I did a couple of days ago was I wanted to see whether Kindle readers outnumbered other readers in approximate proportion to my ebook sales numbers. For the three titles I had available for both Kindle and Nook, the Kindle version was outselling the Nook version by about 7 to 1.
Until late last night.
Before going to bed, I looked at the Nook sales numbers for the day, and 3 copies of “That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made” had sold — which was as many as had sold the first 27 days of April. I figured it was just a statistical blip.
This morning, a friend congratulated me on being featured in a Barnes & Noble email, at which point I checked the sales figures. The number of sales for yesterday had risen from 3 to 7, and the sales for today were almost a hundred — and passed a hundred before I finished writing an email in reply.
Being listed as one of the Hugo nominees in the email, plus being listed as such on the front page of the science fiction & fantasy section of the Nook store, has had a huge impact on sales, which are now over 300. “That Leviathan” has gone from a Nook store sales rank in the tens of thousands to #158, and it’s currently #11 on the Nook science fiction and fantasy bestseller list.
So far, there’s been a very slight spillover effect to my other Nook books. Strangely enough, there seems to be more spillover effect to Kindle sales of “That Leviathan,” which has risen from a sales rank of 82,000 yesterday to its current rank of 5440 — the highest one of my ebooks has ever been in the Kindle store.
Of course, these sales will start tapering off as the impact of the email wears off and the SF&F Nook page content changes. But it’s been fun to watch.
“That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made”: Nook version, Kindle version