My New Novel

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If you’ve been to my website today, you may have noticed a new "Novel Progress" word count meter.  It currently reads 11,267/100,000.  That number is significant, because it means this novel, Unforgettable, is now the second-longest work of fiction I’ve written, after Heir of the Line.  (It will never become the longest, because there is no way it will reach 150,000 words.)

I actually started this novel accidentally on January 1, just doing some free writing.  Until last week, though, I had only written less than 3000 words.  Over the last week, I’ve averaged better than 1000 words a day.  My goal is to finish the first draft by August 7.

Here’s the first line of the novel:

I straightened the tie I’d stolen from Macy’s that morning and stepped into the interviewer’s office.