Short fiction review site The Fix has posted a review of the May 2008 issue of Analog. The reviewer, Gerald W. Page, has very nice things to say about the illustration that accompanied my story:
It shows a spaceship approaching a space station above a planet, and I swear I’ve seen Di Fate do this drawing a dozen times before (and John Berkey another dozen), but it is oh, so beautiful. If Analog’s covers looked this good, the magazine would probably sell better on the newsstands.
I have to say, it was a real thrill to open the issue and find that my story had a Vincent Di Fate illustration. He’s a fantastic, award-winning artist, whose work I’ve admired for years, and the illustration really is beautiful. I’d love to see a color version.
Now, here’s the next line of the review:
And if all of Analog’s stories were as good as “The Ashes of His Fathers,” the magazine might sell substantially better.
Go read the whole review, which is several paragraphs long (and don’t worry–it doesn’t spoil the story if you haven’t read it.)
The Orem Barnes & Noble now has the May issue in stock, so other bookstores may, too. If your local bookstore doesn’t have a copy, you can buy an electronic version at Fictionwise.