More Global Warming, Please!*

Posted .

We had a special homeowners association meeting this evening, because $2419.35 was budgeted for snow removal for January-March, and the actual expenses were a little higher.

1339.5% higher, to be precise.  $32,407.15 over budget.

Since those bills were paid, the HOA is now desperately short on funds to pay our other bills, and tonight’s meeting was supposedly for the purpose of hearing suggestions from the homeowners on ways to deal with the problem without a special assessment.

I suggested that we offer incentives for homeowners to prepay their HOA fees in order to eliminate the current cash flow problem, and then find ways to save money over the rest of the year.

Other homeowners suggested fundraising ideas, but I quickly got the impression that while some of the board members really seemed to be interested in avoiding a special assessment, the majority just wanted to pass a special assessment and were only holding the meeting for show.

After hearing comments from many people and not bothering to take time to study them at all, the board passed a special assessment of $120 per unit.

*Note to humor-impaired liberals: I am not actually suggesting that increasing global warming in order to reduce my HOA fees is a good idea.