Obviously I didn’t because I don’t live in a state that was voting today.
If I did, though, I would have been tempted to vote for her, and not because I’m a Republican mischief-maker.
I’m definitely Republican, and I’ll be voting for Senator McCain in November. But I would rather have Senator Clinton as the Democratic nominee than Senator Obama. There are some Republicans who say that because they think Clinton will be easier to defeat. Given her perseverance when everything seemed to have turned against her in the Democratic race, I wouldn’t be so sure.
Whether or not that’s true doesn’t matter to me. What matters is that if a Democrat does win the White House this fall, it should be the candidate who is better prepared to lead our country in a time of war. For all her faults, I see Hillary Clinton as someone strong, determined, and above all pragmatic. And I believe she understands that as America’s first female President, she cannot afford to be seen as weak in exercising American power.
In Barack Obama I see someone who is both squishy and inexperienced on foreign policy, and I fear he’s the second coming of Jimmy Carter.
Who do I want answering that phone at 3am? John McCain. But if it’s going to be a Democrat, I want it to be Hillary Clinton.